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Writer's pictureMacy Phillips

31 Best Horror Movies to Watch this October

It is nearly October, the prime of spooky season (unless you're like me and Samhain never ends) and I decided to dip into one favorite parts of the season: horror movies! I watch horror movies throughout the year, but every October I like to watch a one movie a day just to stay in the mood. The pandemic has still been impacting my finances and while I won't be able to get dressed up or decorate as of now, I can watch movies to my hearts content. So I thought to myself, why not put my all time favorites into a list for anyone else who is in my situation or just wanting to watch something spooky. Lets get right into my favorites...

The Saw Series

If you aren't bothered by gore this is NOT the series for you, however if you can look past the initial blood/needles/etc the plot itself is very unique and intriguing. I find myself trying to solve the movie before it ends and with the majority of this series it was plot twist after plot twist. I highly recommend and consider the entire series as one of my favorites. There is nine movies so it will take a large chunk of your days up if you don't really like many other movies (or you can watch multiple a day when you have the time!)

Insidious Chapters 1-4

What can I say, James Wan is one of my favorite producers and makes some of the best horror movies. All of the insidious movies are more than worth your watch time, the ending of the first alone will leave you wanting more. My favorite thing about these movies is the atmosphere and use of music. I'll let you take a watch for yourselves and find out why.


Now, to me, this is a must watch for the season. It is a little bit on the weirder side, and not the most mainstream of movies but I enjoy the several stories packed into one and the adorable little creature named Sam.

Pet Cemetery

A horror movie classic based on a Steven King book, some people find harder to watch. If not quite dead children upset you, do not watch. But if you can look past, the story and horror elements are both worth the watch. In 2019 there was a remake done in a newer horror style, it didn't get the best reviews so I'll recommend the older version more! (I liked it well enough but some others may not.)


Mama is frightening from start to finish, and while not everyone will agree I put it as one of my favorite re-watches. The storyline is unique, the atmosphere fits, and again children add to the scar factor.

Light Out

At twenty years old I am still very very afraid of what's in the dark. Between not being able to see, my mind making things up, and some past trauma I got into a panic. This movie really struck me because if the "creature in the dark" element. Past that, the story is really fun to see unfold, and the jump scares weren't all predictable. If you want a movie that makes you drag your best friend to the bathroom with afterwards, this is it. I already sleep with a lamp on, but the day after this movie I left the overhead on (seems stupid but it helped me sleep that night). All in all, its a good terrify watch.

The Autopsy of Jane Doe

Fun fact: I am going to be a attending mortuary science school. So naturally any movies that involve mortuary sciences (funeral homes, morgues, investigating death, etc) I'm interested in, even horror movies. The entire movie I was on the edge of my seat, the idea of someone not being "fully dead" after bring bought in seems to be a common fear of many people and this played on that heavily. The story line was amazing, the lightening and music fit, and overall the actors did great in my book! If you're looking for a nail-biting jump in your partners lap movie, this is it!


The newest movie from director James Wan, and a movie that has very mixed reviews. I think it is worth the watch even with the weirder ending. My partner and I both gave it 8.5/10 solely based on how nicely it was made, and the unique story line. It was refreshing to not be able to guess what was happening next, and neither of us anticipated the ending. Regardless of my or anyone else's reviews, I would say give it a watch and determine yourself!

A Quite Place

Ah I really enjoyed this movie, as you can probably tell from this list I love unique story lines and good atmosphere to a movie and this has everything I love! You have to watch it to see! (I don't want to say much it needs little.)

Bird Box

Aside from the memes, Bird Box is an excellent watch and while not traditionally a horror movie, it's still in the spooky season. If you don't want to be completely terrified this is a good fit for you!

Resident Evil

Not everyone says this series is horror, but because of the zombies I'm putting it on the list. VERY loosely based off the popular video game series the plot to all the movies coincide together very nicely and I personally like all of the elements the movies bring to the world. It's again one of my favorites and I often with my partner binge watch. Plus Milla Jovovich (agent alice) is one of my favorite actresses.

The Descent

Like I said before the dark terrifies me, and being underground is even more terrifying. The Decent is one that I don't often re-watch because it is fear inducing even after knowing what happens. The movie has two different endings, both are mind bending, and all in all I recommend. If you are looking for a bloody movie to terrify you, this is it.

As Above So Below

Again, AASB is a mind bender and I really mean that. I'm just going to say that, watch if you don't mind lost footage movies that are truly scary.

World War Z

Zombies, who doesn't love them! But World War Z zombies, yikes. I enjoyed this movies newer take on a zombie virus and now am more hesitant when wishing for the apocalypses. Again, I don't want to give too much away but as someone who is not "healthy" the movie is an interesting watch (even if you are well you'll like). A little fun fact is that there is a game that is just as scary as the movie!

Anabelle Movies

Dolls. Haunted doll based on a REAL story ( if you believe the Warrens). Do I even need to say more? Aside from dolls creep factor the movies are fun to watch, and all flow other smoothly. I would say they are pretty scary, some jump scares are predictable but thanks to Ms. Annabelle my future child isn't have dolls. Ever. (for more scar factor look up dolls and their original purpose and what they did during the Victorian period.)


I have seen mirrors several times, when I was younger I was petrified to look at my reflection after watching and adamantly I stared a little too long after re-watching as an adult. I recommend to anyone who likes early-middle 00's horror's movies with an unsettling plot line!

Hills have Eyes

This movie has some mature themes and is not fit for everyone, if a Sexual Assault (I fast forward and refuse to watch) is triggering for you do not watch. I put this movie on the list because it really is scary, and the plot is interesting. It IS NOT for everyone. I was allowed to watch as a younger kid, and while scary movies aren't all bad for kids, this one is. If you want to be scared, unsettled, and creeped out this is a good watch, but be warned of the mature and triggering themes. (I'm not even going to add a gif just...)

The Grudge 1+2

Japanese urban ledges and horror is particularly horrify and The Grudge is no exception. If you want nightmares of a scary woman with long black hair this is the one for you. I look at them like horror classics and even when re-watching I still get chills. It's a classic to add to your Halloween lineup.

House of 1000 Corpse (very gory)

Like The Hills have Eyes, this is a gory movie with mature themes directed by the one and only Rob Zombie. I'm a fan of his music, and I like his movies. Now, if you are a fan of Rob's or just don't mind gore this might be the movie for you. It's a bit weirder than most, but all in all I liked it.

The Reaping

Another horror movie that has stuck with me since childhood, the Reaping is a nicely made 2000's horror movie. It is scary, a bit a bit predictable and has a good story line. The Reaping contains religious themes but other than that I don't remember anything too unsettling that needs to be pointed out. Its a good watch if you are looking to be "casually" scared, if that is even a thing.


This movie is not my topical choice for horror but I am so glad I gave it a shot. The idea of being underwater with limited light and air is pretty terrifying and Kristen Steward (another favorite actress) really portrays her brave but anxious character really well! I think its mildly frightening but a good creature feature!

The Thing

Another old creature movie (has a remake that's good) that's a classic horror film. The story line is intriguing and I consider it a good watch. If you like creature movies this is a good one!

The Conjuring

I think most of us have watched the conjuring by now, but if you want to be in the spirit for the spooky season it's a must watch. The Conjuring marks all three boxes of what I look for in a good horror movie (what I mentioned above) and all in all I recommend if you are looking to be "casually scared".

The Messengers

The others on this list The Messengers is an older horror movie from the mid 2000's but has notable actors in both the first a second movies. The first stars Kristen Steward, and the second Norman Reedus! Apart from the actors the story line of the movies are really interesting (a bit predicable) but there are still a few jump scares!

Silent Hill

Silent Hill is NOT for the faint of heart. There are scenes in this movie that are iconic in the horror community, but very gory. The movie is loosely (from what I have been told) based off the video games and it is rightfully sectioned as horror. I think if gore doesn't upset you, this is a good Halloween time movie!

The Curse of La llorona

Hispanic culture had seemed to go very untouched in movies and TV shows until recently, and I am VERY glad Hispanic and Latino culture are getting their proper recognition and story's being told. La llorona is worth the watch simply based on the ledged alone, it's terrifying. If you are a mom this one is going to hit home for you, but if you aren't like me it's still scary, has good atmosphere and jump scares. (this is an unrelated gif I can't find one lol)

The Visit

Very few horror movies have left me scared after the movie ends, and after The Visit I haven't had the urge to visit extended family. I don't know if I ever will again. There was something that was profoundly scary about the entire experience of watching this found footage style movie. If you want to be creeped out and scared to visit your cousins distant grandparents this is for you.

Nightmare on Elms Street

While no longer scary to me the Elm Street series is a classic. There are seven movies as of now and will take some time up if you're someone who enjoys a good series instead of watching individual movies. The story line is very unique and while they aren't the newest movies they are a good watch!


I consider both movies to be in my must watch for the spooky season. The first in my opinion is the best for the two, but the second is still very good. The story line is easy to follow along but not the easily to guess making the movies even better. Sinister is plain awesome in my book and you will love the ending (or will you).


Most of us know about Steven King's IT. The original was actually a miniseries and though you can watch it all together I think more people my age will like the two part movies that are more resent. IT has a good scare factor, the heartbreaking story line adds to it and is sprinkled with humor without the funny moments overpowering the story. I recommend if you haven't seen IT, get on it!


My last recommendation is another creature feature. While Crawl is not my personal favorite, the story is still good and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I'm already fascinated by crocodiles and gaters of all kings so naturally my partner and I have Crawl a try. If you like movies based heavily on survival and almost has a video game feel this is for you!

And this is the end of my list! Please comment below what your favorite horror movie is and why! Do you have a set of movies you enjoy watching each year, and if so what is the one movie that always seems to make its way onto it? I took the time to really find my favorite movies so this post if a bit late, but non-the-less I will see you in the next one!



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